Me as the Wicked Queen for Halloween this year.
I started with a repentant, humble heart and knelt in prayer so I could understand the scriptures better and to have a desire to do better. Also, I was teary eyed (okay I was totally crying) with my plea to understand why I had all those powerful promptings and felt such urgency to get approved for adoption. (read the earlier post about why I think it was an urgent call to action) Anyway, I made myself so vulnerable and the doubts and fears have been settling in a lot lately. If it doesn’t happen, does that mean I imagined everything? If it doesn’t happen soonish, then my boys will be heart broken. Will they lose faith? They pray to find and prepare themselves for their baby sister at least 4-5 times a day-- Morning prayer. Evening Prayer. Every Meal. They love to play with my friend’s baby girls. A sweet, soft, protective side comes out in all of them as they try to make them giggle. It melts my heart. Where is she? When will she join our family?
I am a planner. I like to have control over my life. I want to prepare. But I have NO CONTROL over this process. I also fear that as my entire family is big enough to hit the slopes this year that I won’t want to start all over again. What if I lose my desire to search for her? See, even with that statement it shows I am losing faith. So I had one of those open the scriptures randomly kind of moments after my prayer ended. Remember I am sobbing at this point, but I am trying to dab away my tears to salvage my recently applied mascara and powder.
I opened to this: Revelations 20:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall their be any more pain……” A few verses later this hit me “But the fearful, and unbelieving (oh yeah, that’s me right now as far as the doubts about the adoption ever happening) shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.” Okay, so I am a believer again. I am scared of fire—even lighting candles on a cake.
I then played the open the scripture game again. I flipped through several pages until I happened upon D&C 6:14-19. It starts, “Blessed art though for what thou has done; for thou hast inquired of me, and behold, as often as thou hast inquired thou hast received instruction of my Spirit. If it had not been so, thou wouldst not have come to the place where thou are at this time. (All the verses are great—too much to type so break out those scriptures). They all touched me because I had been “enlightened by the Spirit of truth” early in the process but my carnal side is whispering that I am crazy and I imagined it all. Vs. 19 “Be patient; be sober; be temperate; have patience, faith hope and charity.” Was that just me or did PATIENCE really stick out in that verse. Unfortunately, I didn’t get an answer about the day we would find our birth mom or our daughter, but I have more faith and feel renewed hope that I have done my part. It has been hard because I felt SO guided and SO compelled during the few weeks that we made the adoption decision and then I didn’t feel guided or prompted to do anything else. Should I make more attempts on getting our adoption message out there? Should I do a profile on another website? I don’t feel guided to do anything more than I have done so far at this time. So I HOPE that are birth mom will be led to find us and I will try to be PATIENT until she does. And perhaps my scripture study habits will be better by that time J